Disposable syringe

The invention of the Argentine businessman Arcusin includes an inseparable syringe, the first finding to avoid the exchange of needles, a common practice among drug addicts. The second quality of the invention is the plunger that extracts and pushes the liquid to be injected. That disc is automatically separated from the shank that holds it, once the two elementary movements of the application have been made. "... ..a Thing is a disposable syringe, and quite another, a self-disposable syringe. The first one must be discarded. The second is discarded if or yes. That small difference is the enormous distance that separates common disposable syringes, which has just invented Carlos Arcusin, businessman, who defines himself "Creative and curious. The invention of Arcusin consists of a syringe that includes an inseparable syringe, first finding to avoid the exchange of needles (common among drug addicts) of consequences many times fatal by infection of the AIDS virus. The second quality of the invention is the plunger that extracts and pushes the liquid to be injected. That disc is automatically separated from the shank that holds it, once the two elementary movements of the application have been made. Until today, disposable syringe models are discarded by the user's will, which is not the case with Carlos Arcusin's model, which is inevitably automatically used after the first and last application. For Arcusin "the syringe is one of the main means of contagion of hepatitis B and AIDS." This model prevents the syringe from being used again and the viruses that are usually inside it go to another person. The patent was already sent to Italy and the United States, where this Argentine prototype is being studied. " Obtained Prize. He won the highest national and international awards in recognition of the excellence of his inventions and his success in the market. Among the most important awards he has received are: • 1992 - Gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, Switzerland, for its "self-discarding syringe". • 1992 - Gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, Switzerland, for its "safety cap for hypodermic needles". • 1992 - WIPO Gold Medal, the best inventor of the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, Switzerland. • 1992 - Gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Tokyo, Japan, for its "safety cap for hypodermic needles". • 1993 - Diploma of Honor from the National Academy of Medicine, Argentina. • 1998 - Gold medal in the National Prize to the Invention: "Ladislao José Biro", for his "machine to prepare burgers without smoke and without smell". • 1999 - Gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, Switzerland, for its "machine to prepare burgers without smoke and without odor".